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6 New Social Media Platforms You Should Watch In 2021

Perhaps you’re board on Facebook – over Instagram. Looking for something new? You got it! We have your answers to new social media platforms: the pros, cons, and the so-so’s.

Since 2020 happened, we’ve been online more than ever. Trying to connect with friends, family, and even business prospects.

Social media audio has been a HOT trend this year. Even through it’s a relatively new concept, it’s not going anywhere. So what are the new social media platforms we should watch?

1. TikTok

2. Clubhouse

3. Twitter Spaces

4. Caffeine

5. Instagram Reels

6. Houseparty


Since its start in 2017, the lip-syncing app has reached over 1 billion users reached. TikTok has been more popular that Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms. TikTok is a mix of Vine and You can play short music videos in a loop = just like Vine, bit can also add fun effects. TikTok is fun to experiment with, and explore the users younger audience.


Launched in 2020, this untraditional social media platform is perfect for communicating and sharing content. Clubhouse allows user to connect on an audio-only platform that’s only between the users and the speaker.

Twitter Spaces

Launched in 2020, Twitter Spaces is similar to Clubhouse – yup. Twitter is trying to venture into the audio-only space. Twitter Spaces is a friendly, audio-only platform that’s perfect for hosting talks, training sessions, and other Q&A videos. As of now, it’s not the best app for your business – but of course everything is worth a try.


Now we’re getting into some unknown territory. Caffeine started in 2016 and was created by past Apple designers. This app allows you to create live broadcasts to your followers and your friends. In addition to live video broadcasts, you can additionally stream your TV screen or computer – just like video gaming. If you’re willing to try a new platform for live broad streaming, Caffeine is worth a try.

Instagram Reels

Hello 2020 for the launch of Instagram Reels. IG saw TikTok coming and decided to step up their game – hence, the creation of Instagram Reels. With IG Reels, you step-up in your business by sharing product releases, how-to guides, and more user engagement. This platform is starting to get popular with the Generation Z audience.


Launched in 2016, this app has over 20 million users! This platform is a group messaging app that lets you have eight people at once in a video chat. Unlike Zoom, with Houseparty, you can use video filters (yay!), stickers and other effects while you’re live in the conversation.

So where do we go from here?

Part of your overall marketing strategy should be to focus on growing and refining your strategies. If you’ve had success with a platform – keep doing it! If you’re not sure, try experimenting to see if you’re reaching your target audience.

Digital marketing is always changing – it can get confusing to see friends and colleagues mentioning what’s platform you should try. But ultimately, whatever social media platform you choose should be right for not only you, but also your business.

Need help deciding what new platform to decide? Email us at to help determine the right marketing strategy for you.


Salty Red Dog Marketing, LLC is a marketing agency in Red Bank, NJ and Westport, CT. We service businesses with marketing strategies, digital marketing, social media and consultations.

Phone: (732) 802-6295 | (203) 429-9671

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