As you know and have probably seen, Facebook live videos and Instagram stories have become popular ways of sharing videos. Live videos have also been helping people promote their business by doing virtual webinars, informational talks, and talking about things that inspire them. But the biggest problem I’ve heard and I’m sure a lot of you have faced - was that you didn't want to get on camera! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve helped create a great social media campaign for a client, and the second they post a picture or video of themselves, their audience goes wild! Why do you think that is?
Think about the way we do business.We don’t like to spend time focusing on a website or business that has no human presence. How many times have we gone to a website trying to find contact information, a telephone number, email, etc. with no luck? We just want to talk to a live human being. It's the human factor we all crave and with which we feel comfortable.When you showcase yourself along with your business, people appreciate it. In addition, it helps build a warm relationship. They appreciate that you are involved with your company and right there to handle anything that comes up.To take a picture of yourself or make a video you don’t have to get all dolled up or hire a professional videographer. Just be yourself and let it flow! YOU are the face of your business, and YOU are the expert at representing your brand.
Before you get on camera though, write down some key points you might want to cover on your video. Try not to look at the notes while you’re recording your video because your audience will be able to tell. It’s OK to make a couple tries. You want to feel natural and relaxed. Also avoid saying, "ugh", "um" and other words you would use as a pause in your thoughts.You also want to make sure that your video is short and sweet. On average, you have about 3 to 7 seconds to gain and attract a viewer’s attention. If you commit to doing a video, try to keep it consistent with the theme. For example, there is a woman I know who is starting to do Facebook live videos at open houses called mortgage minutes. She is creating a name for herself and when people scroll through their Facebook newsfeed, they're interested in what she might say.
I've seen a local realtor who does a series of Facebook videos called Coffee with Craig O, where he interviews local businesses as part of a weekly segment. Again, people love to see the person behind the business and that you’re not only committed to what you’re doing but also a leader in your industry and community.
There are other ways you can use videos for your business such as YouTube and yes, even Snapchat. For example, let's say you have something exciting that’s happening at your company or you’re at a networking event, shoot a quick video or Snapchat of what’s happening. Keep it short. People will start to pay attention and be engaged in what’s happening, fearing that they could be missing out.
There are so many ways you can start to implement videos and even yourself in your marketing, it just takes some patience, practice and creativity. With the world so over flooded by content, you want to be able to stand out from the crowd and get your message across.
Want to stand out from the crowd? Salty Red Dog Marketing can help.Give us a call at (203) 429-9671.
Salty Red Dog Marketing, LLC is a marketing agency in Darien, CT & NYC. We service businesses with marketing strategies, social media and consultations.
Contact: info@saltyreddogmarketing.com